Challenge: Our client was looking for a longer-lasting welding tape to save money and labor hours – to ultimately switch tape less often. Hughes Industrial offered them a superior laminated PTFE material that resulted in a better, smoother weld with less change-outs and increased life of the product.
Impact for the Customer: The customer appreciated being introduced to a product of which they were unaware also respected that we took the time to specifically analyze their needs to provide an on-target solution. The customer is now able to run these particular manufacturing lines with less downtime and less material being used.
Relationship Growth: This interaction cemented the lesson that Hughes Industrial works to respect every day: when we listen to customers problems and help to keep them up-to-date with new products and trends, we will be able to benefit their bottom line.
Advantage for the Customer: By understanding what they were asking for and not just selling them the same product at a better price, we helped to positively impact their business on multiple fronts.