Band Sealer Belts for Sale

Band Sealer Belts

Jake HughesApplications

We make it easier to find the optimal band sealer belt for your process; and for the best price possible.

Band Sealer Belts: Flexible packaging is manufactured using a heat process that melts plastic pellets then extrudes and rolls the plastic into a fine film.

Band Sealer Belt

Band Sealer Belt

This poly film is formed, cut and welded along the edges. PTFE coated conveyor belts are used in continuous heat sealing or band sealer machines during this welding process. Our belts, fabrics, and tapes are widely used in this industrial process.

It is important that temperatures do not exceed 287°C (550°F) when using PTFE coated fabrics or 250°C (480°F) for silicone coated fabrics or tapes. Thicker materials should be used in more demanding high temperature applications.

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