Process Pump

Reducing Process Costs of Cooked Products During Poultry Processing

Jake HughesCase Studies

Challenge: Our customer was spending approximately $5,000.00 on pumps for their application of sauces to their cooked products. The pumps were difficult to disassemble and clean after each shift. Their original pumps and motors were heavy and hard to handle by all personnel. We provided an easy to disassemble stainless steel drum pump to distribute their variety of sauces for about two-thirds less cost than the pumps that were originally used. Our pump product is a lighter weight, easier to handle solution with fewer parts to clean and reassemble.

Impact for the Customer: Our client was very pleased by the cost savings. We completed training for all shifts and every plant department – Maintenance, Production and Sanitation – to show the proper and easiest way to disassemble and clean our drum pumps. It greatly helped their business to have each of their departments buy into a solution, and it added value to the sale.

Relationship Growth: As a part of our process, we offer to test the customer’s products in our test pumps and video the results. It is solid proof that the drum pump will work.

Advantage for the Customer: We ran samples of their different sauces at our facility in our test pumps and videoed this as proof that our solution is effective. We offered a no-obligation sample drum pump for them to test before they purchased one. We did training for all shifts on this product.